Sunday 17 July 2016

Bulletin for 17 July 2016

July 17, 2016         Service of Holy Communion


Prelude Music

Ringing the Bell
Our help is in the name of the Lord,

who made heaven and earth.

Confession & Forgiveness
Pg. 94
Gathering Hymn
#853  When Morning Gilds the Skies
The Apostolic Greeting
Pg. 138  (Setting #3)
Pg. 138
Hymn of Praise
Pg. 139  (Glory to God…)
Prayer of the Day
(Celebrate - Pg. 1)
First Reading

Genesis 18:1-10a  (Celebrate - Pg.1)

Psalm 15  (Celebrate - Pg.2)
Second Reading

Colossians 1:15-28  (Celebrate - Pg.3)
Gospel Acclamation
Pg. 142  (Alleluia.)
Luke 10:38-42  (Celebrate - Pg.3)

Hymn of the Day
#793  Be Thou My Vision
The Apostles’ Creed
Pg. 105
 Prayers of Intercession
(Celebrate - Pg. 4)
The Sharing of the Peace

Presentation of  the Offering
#208 Praise to You, O God of Mercy
 Offering Prayer
Pg. 107  {if you wish to follow}
Preface & Holy, Holy, Holy
Pg. 144
The Great Thanksgiving
Pg. 108
The Lord’s Prayer
Pg. 145  {prayed together}
Communion Hymns
{hymns will be sung as needed}

Pg. 146  Lamb of God
#484  You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
#658  O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts
Post-Communion Canticle
#313  O Lord, Now Let Your Servant   
Prayer & Benediction
Pg. 114
Closing Hymn
#834  Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Pg. 115 (Rsp:“Thanks be to God”)

* = congregation stands (as able)
448 Talbot Street West,  Aylmer, Ontario  N5H 1L1
P & F:  519-773-2175     E-mail:
Rev. John Goldsworthy  519 -207-2224
Organist:  Karin Barrie

Mary and Martha are not only sisters; they are two sides of the same coin.  A Christian often has to be both the do-er and the listen-er.  We hear the Word and it impels us to action.  Our actions then call us back to the Word.  And so it goes.

Pr. John will be out of town next Sunday and we welcome Pr. John Boehmer who will be supplying that day.  Welcome back, Pastor Boehmer!


Everyone is invited to stay for fellowship after the service.

We pray today for all the sick in our congregation, especially Else Kalmbach and her son, and John Weninger.  May God grant all of them His healing grace in Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Offering Envelopes – If you need more envelopes, there are some in the Fellowship Hall.  Everyone has unnumbered envelopes, so please remember to put your name, date and donation amount on the front of each envelope so you get credit for your donations.

PAR – Pre-Authorized Remittance – Your church needs you!  Signing up for PAR allows you to make donations on a monthly basis even if you’re not in church.  Application forms are available on the table in the Fellowship Hall.  All you have to do is complete the form, attach a VOID cheque and put it in the offering plate or in the church office.

Communion Cards are required to be completed once per year per person.  If you have not completed one yet this year, please ask the usher for one.

The following donations were made to the Church in memory of John Seimen Jr.: Tony & Rita Rupar

LCW Annual Yard / Bake / Cabbage Roll Sale
Saturday, August 27 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Start saving your stuff.  Items can be dropped off when you come to church on the Sundays in August and on August 22-26 from 7-8 pm.  Volunteers are needed to organize items, make meat pies (contact Marg Guenther), make cabbage rolls (contact Gertie Croft), sell at the yard sale and pack up afterwards.  For more information, contact Karin Barrie 519-673-2137 or

Golden Confirmation 2016 – Sunday, September 25
The class of 1966, confirmed by Pastor Joachim Knaak (known), included:  John Patrick Ungar, Michael Heinz Hesch, John Binder, George Wilhelm Tinnes (deceased), Raymond Andriekus

Anyone with knowledge of how to contact them is asked to contact Rita Rupar at 519-473-9303 or the church office at 519-773-2175 or

The following people have made donations to the New Roof Fund:  L.C.W. (x2), Bob & Bonnie McCrae, Tony & Rita Rupar, Alison Barrie, Don & Rose Fick, Katie Ungar, Diane Corns, Fred & Nancy Neukamm, Herb & Jeannette Kebbel, John Seimen, Karin Barrie, Pr. John & Beth Goldsworthy, Frieda Neukamm, Rick & Dita Cornelissen, Mike & Helga Ungar, Katharine Barrie, Martin & Mary Teutsch, Rose Gotzmeister, Kay Gutmann, Jon & Trudy Bunde

Canadian Lutheran World Relief – Fort McMurray Wildfire Relief
Donations are needed to support the victims of the Fort McMurray Wildfire.  You can donate by phone:  1-800-661-2597 or online: 


We are all familiar with that date ... in 2017 we will be celebrating the 500th anniversary of Luther's hammer, nails and paper demonstration at the door of the Wittenberg Church.  Starting in the fall of 2016 we begin our celebration of this big anniversary year.

The eight congregations of Thames Ministry Area are gathering on Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 3:00 pm for a Reformation Celebration Worship at Trinity, London, with special guest Bishop Michael Pryse.  Please mark the date.  There will be a ticketed meal to follow - cost $10.  More information to follow.

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