Sunday 11 December 2016

Advent III - The Advent Teaching

Today's topic was the Scriptural readings for Advent.

The Old Testament readings focus on the words of the prophets, with particular attention given to the prophecies of the coming of the Messiah. The book of the Prophet Isaiah is most often used although others can be found in the three year cycle of readings in the Revised Common Lectionary.

The New Testament readings from Paul (and today's reading from James) focus on how to live now in the time between Jesus' birth and his return. James especially counsels patience.

The Gospel readings- Matthew in Year A, Mark in Year B, and Luke in Year C - first tell us of the return of Jesus in judgement and then of the preparation for Jesus birth and for his ministry. The focus in on John the Baptist and on both Mary and Joseph, from Matthew and Luke. (Mark has no narrative of the birth of Jesus and John's focus is on the eternal preexistence of Jesus as "the Word of God.")

Taken as a whole, the readings tell us of what went before, what is still to come, and what is our's now. All in all, the message is hope.

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