Sunday 11 December 2016

The Bulletin for 11 December 2016 -- Advent III

December 11, 2016                   Service of Holy Communion


Prelude Music

Ringing the Bell

Advent teaching

Lighting the Advent Wreath

(See the facing page.)
Advent Wreath Hymn
#248  People, Look East, vs. 1-3
The Apostolic Greeting
Pg. 203  (Setting #10)
Prayer of the Day
(Celebrate - Pg. 1)
First Reading

Isaiah 35:1-10  (Celebrate - Pg.1)

Ps. 146:5-10  (Spoken)  (Celebrate Pg. 2)
Second Reading

James 5:7-10  (Celebrate - Pg.3)
Gospel Acclamation
Pg. 205  (Alleluia.)
Matthew 11:2-11  (Celebrate - Pg.3)

Hymn of the Day
#263  Savior of the Nations, Come
The Apostles’ Creed
Pg. 105
 Prayers of Intercession
(Celebrate - Pg. 4)
The Sharing of the Peace

Presentation of  the Offering
#253  He Came Down
 Offering Prayer
Pg. 107  {if you wish to follow}
Preface & Holy, Holy, Holy
Pg. 207
The Great Thanksgiving

The Lord’s Prayer
Pg. 208  {prayed together}
Communion Hymns
{hymns will be sung as needed}

Pg. 208  Lamb of God
#240  Light One Candle…
#496  One Bread, One Body
Post-Communion Canticle
#501  Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus
Prayer & Benediction
Pg. 114
Closing Hymn
#251  My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness
Pg. 115 (Rsp:“Thanks be to God”)

* = congregation stands (as able) 

448 Talbot Street West,  Aylmer, Ontario  N5H 1L1
P & F:  519-773-2175     E-mail:
Rev. John Goldsworthy  519 -207-2224
Organist:  Karin Barrie

When Jesus is asked about John the Baptizer by John’s disciples and by the crowd, he responds with almost the same answer – “What did you expect to see?”  John’s disciples asks who Jesus is while the crowd asks who John is.  The answer is the same – “What did you expect?”  Jesus heals and preaches the Good News.  John prepares the way for the Messiah.  “Yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

We welcome Mrs. Gertie Croft as our minister of music today and thank her for sharing her talent and time.

Please note:  The Advent wreath prayers are to be found below.  For Advent, we continue to experiment with different sorts of prayer for this part of the service.

Order for Lighting the Advent Wreath
P. God of love, may this wreath and its light remind us that Jesus came to save us from our sin.  Bless this wreath and all who gather around it as we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christmas.  Come, Lord Jesus, bring hope, faith, and life to our world.
C.  Amen.
P Dear Jesus, help us focus on you during this busy season.  May we stay aware of the joy you bring into our lives.  We want to find you in the everyday moments and come with hearts of gratitude to your manger on Christmas.
C.  Amen.
All.  Joyous light of glory of the immortal Father,
   Heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ,
   We have come this day
   And we look to this rising light in a dark season.
   We sing to God, the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
    You are worthy of being praised with pure voices forever.
    O Son of God, O Giver of Light,
   The universe proclaims your glory. Amen.
(The hymn follows.)

Everyone is invited to stay for fellowship after the service.

We pray today for all the sick in our congregation, especially Colin & Elfriede Hayes, Else Kalmbach and her son, Nancy Mayberry, Hilda Moritz, George & Astrid Simonis and John Weninger.  May God grant all of them His healing grace in Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Offering Envelopes - Everyone has unnumbered envelopes, so please remember to put your name, date and donation amount on the front of each envelope so you get credit for your donations.  If you need more envelopes, there are some in the Fellowship Hall. 

PAR – Pre-Authorized Remittance – Your church needs you!  Signing up for PAR allows you to make donations on a monthly basis even if you’re not in church.  Application forms are available on the table in the Fellowship Hall.  All you have to do is complete the form, attach a VOID cheque and put it in the offering plate or in the church office.

Communion Cards are required to be completed once per year per person.  If you have not completed one yet this year, please ask the usher for one.

The communion supplies for Advent and Christmas Eve have been donated in loving memory by the family of Meta and Steve Boehm.

The flowers on the stands are donated by Herb & Jeannette Kebbel in memory of their parents, Adolph & Emma Kebbel and Neil & Eva McPhail and by Frieda Neukamm in memory of her husband, Emil and her parents August & Helene Kebbel.

Bible Study – November 30 – December 21
St. John's and Trinity will hold another Adult Study for four weeks beginning on November 30th and ending December 21st.  The topic will be "The Symbols of Advent" and will be a way to prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth in the celebration of Christmas.  We'll look at the Church's symbols and practices particular to the season of Advent, such as colours, the Advent Wreath, the Christmas Tree, and the Nativity scene, among others.  As before, the study will begin at 12 noon each day at Trinity and the participants are invited to bring a lunch.  

Corner Cupboard
Christmas is a good time to support the Corner Cupboard.  Please help by bringing in non-perishable goods and placing them in the box outside the Sacristy.  Monetary donations are also accepted.

Hats & Mitts & Socks For Kids
Some children go to school without hats, mittens and socks.  Let’s help keep the children warm this winter!  Donations of children’s hats, mittens/gloves, socks (store bought or hand-made) will be accepted during Advent.  There will be a Christmas tree in the Fellowship Hall to decorate with donated hats, mitts and socks.

Aylmer Optimist Toy Drive
Every year, the Aylmer Optimists collect new toys for children, up to age 15, for Christmas.  Let’s help make Christmas special for some area boys and girls.  Unwrapped, new toys can be left under the Christmas tree in the Fellowship Hall during Advent.

Poinsettia Flowers are being made available at the price of $10.00 for a 6-inch pot.  The price covers the flower with a bit left over to be donated to the Church.  The sign-up sheet may be found in the Fellowship Hall or with Beth or Pastor John.  The last day to order is December 11.  They will be available to take home after the Christmas Eve service or on Christmas Day.

Christmas Carols at Chartwell
Join an informal group of singers at Chartwell on Saturday, December 17 to entertain the residents with Christmas songs at 10:30 am until 11:15 am.  Call or speak with Karin Barrie for more details.  (519-673-2137).

Christmas Eve Service – Saturday, December 24
7:00 p.m. – with Holy Communion

Christmas Day Service – Sunday, December 25
10:30 a.m. – with Holy Communion

Annual Church Supper – Sunday, April 9 @ 5:00 p.m.

Volunteers are needed for selling tickets, cooking, serving, making fruit flans, setting tables, cleaning up.  Mark your calendar and plan to attend and help.  Tickets are available at The Flower Fountain, Campbell’s, Kebbel’s Funeral Home @ 519-773-8400 and Frieda Neukamm @ 519-773-8895.

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