Wednesday 18 March 2020

Mid-week thoughts during the pandemic --- 18 March 2020

Well, the borders are semi-closed. Food markets are restocking. A large number of people are staying home... if they can. I've been called a number of members of my congregation who are up in years and often alone. Some are in their own homes while others are in nursing homes or retirement facilities. The tiny bit of human contact that my phone call provides seems to help a bit. I do not pretend that my voice on the phone makes a big difference, but if it helps a bit, I'm all for it.

I'm going to add a few remarks I've collected over time. I enjoy these and find them inspirational. I don't know if you will, but it's time to try.

Maybe these won't be inspirational for you. Maybe you'll have to think about them some. If they are good for you, I'm happy. If they leave you cold... there'll be others.

But I'll leave you today with this one: