Tuesday 16 February 2021

A Moment Aside for 16 February ---- Shrove Tuesday

 A Moment Aside --- 16 February 2021



This day goes by a number of names:

Shrove Tuesday  (“Shrove” – from “shrive”, to confess)

Fat Tuesday    (No explanation needed)

Marti Gras     (“Fat Tuesday”)

Fasching     (“Fasting” since it is the eve of the Lenten fast)

Carnival/Karneval  (literally “Farewell to meat”, again referring to the Lenten fast)

The custom is to eat up all the sugar and oil in the house since at one time people would fast from sweet things, fried things, and even meat during the season of Lent. This is why custom demands the eating of pancakes, donuts, “paczki” (Polish/Slavic), or “Fastnachts” (Pennsylvania German donuts or pastries traditionally made with potato flour.) This is also the reason that Easter and chocolate or candy are attached to each other. (The Lenten fast is over; eat up!)

Such fasting is out of style in at this time. Some people fast, some don’t, and some can’t. Still we can do something for the season of Lent to make changes. There are things that are harder to change than what we eat or how often we eat.

We can “fast” from sharp words.

We can “fast” from angry words, said without good reason.

We can “fast” from selfishness, even if only once or twice a day.

We can “fast” from arrogance.

We can “fast” from judgement.

We could give up or lay aside certain things for Lent and we could take up certain things for Lent.

We could be more humble. (G.K.Chesterton once said humility does not consist of thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.)

We could listen and actually hear. We could pray and actually mean it. We could be better to ourselves. We could do one thing every day to make the world around us a better place… and it will be.

Lent is a time of grace. Remember that Moses and the Hebrew people were lost in the desert and had nothing and no one to rely on but God. But really… where better to put trust?

Enjoy your pancakes and donuts. Then enjoy this upcoming Lent of grace.

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