Tuesday 4 May 2021

A Moment Aside for 4 May 2021

 A Moment Aside --- 4 May 2021


I hope you remember kaleidoscopes like I do… a tube that used cracked glass or beads, mirrors, and a part that was turned to make unending and unrepeatable patterns when you looked through the one end and turned the other. Light, colours, and changing patterns giving  joy to anyone who looked.

In a similar way, God can do that with our lives. We are broken, all of us. We know it. We feel it. We see it. We live in a broken world, where storms, floods, volcanos, and pandemics can obscure the beauty around us. Prejudice, violence, hatred, and indifference all trouble our hearts and minds and change our perception of the world.

Yet we are our own worst enemies, hating ourselves for being broken and for not doing better. Many of us have been taught to despise ourselves for just those reasons and more… and more.

Consider then the kaleidoscope, a simple child’s toy, one many of us have left behind in our haste to “grow up.” Yet in it is a strange beauty and a sort of joy that cannot often be found elsewhere. What makes the beauty? Light, mirrors, broken glass or beads, and our imagination.

As I said, God can do that with our lives, making beauty from our broken parts. What God sees in us and what God turns us to makes for a never ending and ever-changing pattern of light, colour, and beauty.

God is doing that… whether or not we see it.

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