Sunday 9 May 2021

The Text of today's Service of Word & Worship ---- 9 May 2021


The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Prelude, Welcome, and Information

Hymn #389   Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.

Christ is risen!    He is risen indeed!

Psalm 98

1O sing to the Lord a new song,

    for he has done marvelous things.

    His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory.

2The Lord has made known his victory;

    he has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations.

3He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness

    to the house of Israel.

    All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.

4Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;

    break forth into joyous song and sing praises.

5Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,

    with the lyre and the sound of melody.

6With trumpets and the sound of the horn

    make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.

7Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;

    the world and those who live in it.

8Let the floods clap their hands;

    let the hills sing together for joy

9at the presence of the Lord,

    for he is coming to judge the earth.

He will judge the world with righteousness,

    and the peoples with equity.

This is the feast of victory for our God.  Alleluia.
Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slain,
whose blood set us free be people of God.

Power, riches, wisdom and strength,
and honor and blessing and glory are his.

Sing with all the people of God
and join in the hymn of all creation:
Blessing, honor, glory and might
be to God and the Lamb forever. Amen.

For the Lamb who was slain has begun his reign.      


This is the feast of victory for our God,
for the Lamb who was slain has begun his reign

The Lord be with you.       And also with you.

Let us pray together.

O God, you have prepared for those who love you joys beyond understanding. Pour into our hearts such love for you that, loving you above all things, we may obtain your promises, which exceed all we can desire; through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Reading: Acts 10:44-48

A reading from the book of the Act of the Apostles

44While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. 45The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles, 46for they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter said, 47“Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” 48So he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited him to stay for several days.

The Word of the Lord

Reading: 1 John 5:1-6

A reading from the first letter of John

5Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the parent loves the child. 2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. 3For the love of God is this, that we obey his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, 4for whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith. 5Who is it that conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

6This is the one who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not with the water only but with the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one that testifies, for the Spirit is the truth.

The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Verse: 

Alleluia! Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them. Alleluia!      (John 14:23)                                

Gospel Reading: John 15:9-17

A reading from the Gospel of John

9As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. 10If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. 11I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. 12“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. 16You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. 17I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.

This is the Gospel of the Lord.

Sermon (added at the end of the document)

Hymn #836  Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Thanks and Offertory

Prayers of the Church:  

Trusting that new life is ours today through the risen Jesus, we offer our prayers to God.

[Short pause]

n  Gracious God of resurrection, the new life you give surrounds us with new opportunities.  Free us to take the risk of loving as you love us.  God of new life,

Hear our prayer.

n  Gracious God of resurrection, the new life you give calls us beyond what we have known.  Open us to the possibilities which your presence offers, and give us the faith to respond.  God of new life,

Hear our prayer.

n  Gracious God of resurrection, the new life you give belongs to our neighbour.  Increase our desire to break down the boundaries we have created between people that your love may shine in this world.  God of new life,

Hear our prayer.

n  Gracious God of resurrection, you call your church to be a community of love, not only for each other, but for all of your creation.  Fire us with your Spirit, that we may treat the entire world as beloved.  God of new life,

Hear our prayer.

n  Gracious God of resurrection, the new life you give brings the hope of healing.  Walk with all those who are ill, and with all those who offer your care.  May we all be agents of your restoring love.  God of new life,

Hear our prayer.

n  Gracious God of resurrection, the new life you give belongs to the people and world around us.  Inspire us to share all the gifts you give, that all creation may shine with Easter light.  God of new life,

Hear our prayer.

n  Gracious God of resurrection, bless our neighbors in the Anglican Church of Canada, Trinity Church and their pastor, Archdeacon Janet Griffith Clarke and Bishop Todd Townsend, bishop of Huron Diocese. God of new life, Hear our prayer.

Hear us, gracious and loving God, for the sake of our gracious and living Saviour, Jesus the Christ.

Hymn #880  O God Beyond All Praising

The Lord’s Prayer

Finally let us pray for all things as our Lord would have us ask:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

    hallowed be thy name,

    thy kingdom come,

    thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

    and forgive us our trespasses,

      as we forgive those who trespass against us;

    and lead us not into temptation,

       but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

         and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, now you let your servant go in peace;

     your word has been fulfilled.

My own eyes have seen the salvation

    which you have prepared

    in the sight of every people:

A light to reveal you to the nations

    and the glory of your people Israel.

Hymn #595   Jesus Loves Me

Benediction and Sending

The God of hope, who brought again from the dead

that great shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ,

fill us with all joy and peace in believing!


Christ is risen!       He is risen indeed!

Go in peace. Serve the Lord.   Thanks be to God!


 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

§  Jesus goes on to say You are my friends if you do what I command you. It sounds almost conditional, like an “If… then” statement. What if the friends don’t do what is commanded? Are they no longer friends of Jesus? That’s a question that might be looked at later.

§  Right now, we might see that when Jesus talks about laying down his life for his friends, is he talking about his disciples? Well, yes, he is. The question then becomes “who are his disciples?”

§  Is it the Twelve who sat with him at the last supper? Those were the core of his followers and his closest disciples as far as we know. I think we should include the women that followed him in his travels in this group. None of the Gospels tell of their presence at this meal we call the Last Supper. That might have been a cultural thing; to be honest, I just don’t know if women would be included in a devotional or religious meal that was not focused on a family group.

§  The group that Jesus was to lay down his life for includes Judas by the way. Jesus laid down his life for him as well. We don’t think of that; I know I hadn’t before this sermon’s preparation. All those around him were included and Judas was there. I don’t like the idea of any one not being included in the mercy of God.

§  To take the idea of those included a bit further… by chance, is it us? Are we included?

§  John’s Last Supper discourse is rather long, being a few chapters of his Gospel. We need to remember why the Gospels were written – first of all to provide a basis for the belief of the succeeding generations of Christians, those who would not have the direct experience of Jesus that the first disciples did. John himself writes Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name. (John 20: 30-31)

§  The meaning of this is the keeping of the commandments of Jesus is the proof of friendship and discipleship. And what did Jesus command? This my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. And he loved those disciples to the point of his death.

§  This holds for us as well; he loves us, his present-day disciples to the point of his death. All the writings of the early Church – the Gospels, the letters of Paul, James, and John, and even the weird and strange Book of Revelation – are there to show the love of Jesus for his disciples through all time to those disciples through all time. There is no need to say “If only I’d been there!” You are here now and so is the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the power of God. That’s what this means to us now.

§  Let’s go another step. If we are included, what about everyone else in the world, whether or not they are declared to be disciples of Jesus? The love of God is present for them as is the laying down of Jesus’ life. No one is excluded for if anyone is excluded by God, any one might be excluded! John’s Gospel also tells us For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

§  [Those who might reject that Good News even though Jesus laid down his life for them may have a different story, one we won’t go into now.]

§  Inclusion in the love of God also means forgiveness for failures, lapses, and infidelities against that love. God forgives us in the cross of Christ. Jesus forgives his friends; we see it all through the end of John’s Gospel. We can learn to accept that forgiveness and even forgive ourselves in time.

§  So finally we might say “What about Judas?” I can’t say with any certainty, except to certainly say that no one is excluded from the love of God and justification in Christ.

§  Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! And he is risen with forgiveness and healing for us all.

This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

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